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You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day;
By the deeds that you do and the words that you say
Men read what you write, distorted or true
Pray what is that gospel according to you?
– Anonymous

We all have our life stories,
we may or may not talk about them all the time
But the story of our lives is written every day
It’s when those stories take on a life of their own,
and that life isn’t the one we want that things start to go sour.

What we sometimes don’t realize is that
The reality in our lives is created by our perceptions.
Perceptions: Things aren’t always what they seem.
Everything that we experience in any way is specific only to us,
we create our universe by our perceptions.
Each incident, object and person is perceived in a different manner by different people.
An incident or a person that inspires one may cause another irritation or frustration.
It’s all in our minds and how we look at things.
For example, a death of a loved one may affect different people in different ways:
one may feel bereft, alone and spend their time grieving forever;
another may feel inspired to live each day as if it was the last day and celebrate life;
another may feel – what difference does it make, we have to die anyway and give up on life.

So, if the reality in our lives is created by our perceptions,
We can change our lives by altering our perceptions.

Let’s think about the story of the life you’re living right now.
Who wrote that story? Did you write it?
Did you decide to create the reality you’re living now?
Or is it mainly shaped by your partner, parents, friends, relatives, school or the media?
You can decide now to be in charge of your own perception of reality,
Or you can let others craft that perception for you,
there are plenty of people who are willing to do that
and are trying to do that,
you can hear them airing their opinions,
trying to convince you they are right and you are wrong.
Do you trust them to have your best interest in mind…?
Sometimes we let our perceptions be created by other people’s versions and expectations
And sometimes it’s our own versions colored by past experiences and expectations.

Do you like the story you are living?
If you don’t, then change your perceptions.
What would you like your story to be?
Think about it, and then write the next chapter yourself.
I mean really, actually write it.
Alter your perception, look at things with a new perspective
look at people with a new perspective
Free yourself from the shackles of past perceptions
Create a new reality!
One where you are in charge of the story.
Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players”

That’s only if you are an actor!!!!
Stop being an actor! Stop being a victim!
Become your own screenwriter and director
Focus your energy of yourself
Expect great things of yourself and for yourself
And write them into your life…..

Alter your perception, create your vision, write your story, change your life.
It’s your life, it’s your story!

You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day;
By the deeds that you do and the words that you say
Men read what you write, distorted or true
Pray what is that gospel according to you?
– Anonymous