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As I was reflecting on a recent conversation with someone, I realized again how much junk there is in some minds. They keep their thoughts focused on what they did not get, while not applying them to the wonderful opportunities that are available to them and all the good things that they do have. They share these negative thoughts with others and wonder why the other person did not react positively. They seem to be looking for pity, but if they do get words of sympathy, they do not like that either. Then they say, no, I actually meant to say something else, I did not share my real thoughts; but in reality, the words that you said, were your thoughts, so you can’t say, I meant to say something else. I thought back to Earl Nightingale’s book on the power of thought. It helped me break away from the chain of thought I was going through and bring me back.

“Thoughts Are Things! Positive thoughts create a positive image, and soon the individual will act upon those images, rather than the negative, self-defeating thoughts that previously filled one’s consciousness. Being healthy is a function of first thinking healthy. The will to live is nothing more than a thought to live. The belief in one’s abilities is nothing more than a thought in one’s abilities. The perseverance to push onward is nothing more than the thought to push onward. The expectation of happiness is nothing more than the thought of happiness. The desire to be loved is nothing more than the thought to be loved. Indeed, it all boils down to THOUGHT.

While some may say that it is too simple to say that thought controls everything, nevertheless, for me it is crystal clear. We in fact become what we think about each and every day. I believe so strongly in this message that I take it several steps further. It is my belief that once we remove all the junk inside of us, that is the hate, anger, fear, depression, anxiety, stress and so on, we then open ourselves up for unlimited use of our thinking abilities. When we are clear inside—or centered if you will— thinking miracles begin to occur. We can think our way to levels never before even imagined while so filled with the junk. And how do we rid ourselves of that inner junkpile? By acknowledging that it only gets there through thought in the first place. There is no stress in the world, only people thinking stressfully. There is no anxiety in our world, only people thinking anxiously. The logic is irrefutable. Thought creates our inner world, and thought can eradicate that which we have created which is self-defeating. How does one do it? By taking charge of how one elects to think each and every moment, one day at a time. The habit of thinking in healthful productive ways can replace the habit of thinking in self-condemning ways.”

” Thoughts Are Things. For indeed, if you can get hold of this idea, and take total control of your own free will to think as you choose, and then take action on those new and self-serving thoughts, you will not only transform your own life, but you will begin to impact in the same way on those around you. And ultimately, it is only through a change in consciousness (thought) that the entire world will be transformed. A thought can transform you, those immediately around you, and the entire world as well.”

Excerpts from Earl Nightingale’s Greatest Discovery Foreword by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer